Monday, May 28, 2012


Garden Express

Here's a guide to to the kinds of tools you'll find helpful in your garden.

All About Gardening Tools

God made rainy days, so gardeners could get the housework done - Gardening can
 be that addictive and more so if you have the right tools! Selecting the right 
gardening tools is also important when taking up a gardening project. Opt for tools 
that are neither too heavy nor too light. Heavy equipments are difficult to use and 
quite tiresome while lighter ones are poorly made. Good gardening tools have 
handles made of high quality wood like ash.
Here are some popular gardening tools -
- Garden rake helps to soothe the soil after it is tilled. This tool is helpful in finishing work when making planting beds or a new lawn.
- Cultivators help in cutting the hard compacted soil. Some of them have broader edges while others have narrow ones. These are useful in making the annual beds for vegetable gardens.
- Edger is another gardening tool that helps the flower gardens and shrubs maintain their shape. Gardens lose their crisp lines over time when grass intrudes in the garden. Using the edger will prevent grass roots taking a firm hold in planting beds.
- Pitchfork is a tool used for aerating compacted soil and preparing garden beds. They are also used for dividing grasses and also to spread mulch in spring.
- Reel Mowers are used to cut grass. They give a cleaner cut as compared to other tools. They do not use gas and hence there is no pollution with reel mowers. These are great for small lawns. It is a lightweight and easy to use tool.
- Hand Pruners are gardening tools used for cutting branches. They give cleaner and precise cuts. They have bypass blades that help in cutting the branches neatly.
- Loppers are just like pruners but are provided with long handles and the ability to cut branches of around 2 inches thickness.
- Compact Pruning Saw is a tool useful for cutting branches. It is small enough to fit into the middle of a shrub to cut the branch.
Gardening tools are essential for maintaining your garden but it is not really necessary to spend a lot on buying garden tools. You need not have all the latest tools to give your garden that perfect look. You can just buy some basic tools to start with. With minimum tools, you too can make your garden attractive.
One of the basic gardening tools is a spading fork. This helps to dig down the soil and break the ground. This is very essential since at some point or the other you will need to open and improve the soil. Hoe is a gardening tool useful for weeding and cultivating the soil. This is done to allow the penetration of nutrients and water into the soil. For larger digging projects you will also require a round ended shovel.
A watering can is also one of the important gardening tools. It has long nozzles and allows water to flow gently. A good bow rake is essential to level the soil and also for removing large clods of earth or rocks from the soil. Having a pair of garden shears known as clippers are essential for cutting, shaping and removing foliage or branches.
Give your garden that perfect look just by using the right gardening tools without spending money on expensive professional gardeners!
For a complete range of gardening tools go to (Aust.)  or  (US)

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Bonsai Boy of NY - Click Here!

Garden Express

A Guide To Bonsai Trees For Beginners

The art form of bonsai can be a wonderful and unique hobby. Viewing and taking good care of a bonsai collection can be a relaxing and peaceful daily job. The trees can be placed anywhere to provide a great atmosphere and charm for a room. Bonsai trees for sale are there to suit you desire whether you are an advanced or beginning student. You will certainly be driven to expand your collection of trees once you have tried this fantastic hobby.

Bonsai trees have been around for so long that almost all people have some notion about what bonsai is. This practice is most popular in the Asian community, but people around the world also practice growing bonsai trees. Bonsai trees for sale are often thought of as a dwarf tree by beginners. The reality is that they are just normal trees that are kept small due to small containers and regular trimming. Guide wire is continually used in order to help guide the tree in the direction of the desired growth. This practice may take much knowledge and skill to achieve great results.
What To Consider
When beginning the bonsai hobby, there are some things you must consider first. The cost of trees and supplies must be kept in mind. For thirty dollars or so, a good beginning plant can be purchased. Once you get into the larger and more mature trees, several hundred dollars might be spent on a specimen. While at first you may want to get going with a large old tree, a beginner might want to purchase a smaller tree to gain valuable experience about the care of the trees.
A good pot will be needed once you have decided on a tree. Trees usually are sold with a pot, but if transplanting is needed, you might want to buy a larger one. Bonsai tree pots are generally small and shallow to help the tree remain small.
When you get your new trees, it can also be quite important to use the best fertilizer and soil possible. Inorganic and organic materials are often combined to create the best soils for bonsai trees. A good soil needs to have the ability to drain water quickly as well. Each species of tree may have the need for specific fertilizers and soils. When you are thinking about bonsai trees for sale, read about their needs for this. In order to have the healthiest tree, the correct combo of soil and fertilizer is required. This will lead to a happy and long life for the tree.
Good bonsai tools are also needed. Some things you might need are butterfly shears, a rake, wire cutters, and branch cutters. Beginners can usually purchase a tool kit that contains everything needed at a reasonable price. For more advanced hobbyists, there are higher quality tools that are for sale. During the pruning of bonsai trees, you need to make very clean cuts. This allows a tree to quickly heal properly. It will be exciting and fun with so many choices for the beginner bonsai hobbyist.
Common species of trees that are used for bonsai are maple, juniper, jade, pine, and elm. Bonsai trees for sale require continuous care and pruning to achieve the best looking tree. A large selection of books can be found on the subject if you are a beginner. You can benefit greatly from taking the time to read all about this subject and the care of bonsai trees for sale.
Shaping A New Tree
When a tree is young, it is the most critical stage for training the shape of a new tree. By starting the training early, they can get started on the best note. More established older trees are much more difficult to try to shape than a new young tree with flexible and small branches. It is also not as hard on a tree to trim off small unwanted branches rather than larger ones on older trees. This is why buying from a well versed seller who knows how to handle bonsai trees is a good idea when looking for bonsai trees for sale. Bonsai trees can be shaped into a variety of different styles. You are the one who has to decide what you like best and how you want to shape your tree. The most popular styles of design are slanting, upright, and cascading. Certain species of trees may look better in a type of style. If you are feeling adventurous, you can even create your own look.
Other element can also be added to enhance the look of your bonsai tree. This can include things like adding small stones or moss around the base of the tree. A less common but good approach may be to have two or three trees in one container. Bonsai trees for sale can look wonderful in homes. Pick out a tree that you are immediately drawn too and you will not be disappointed.
The Styles Of Bonsai Trees
Shaping the tree is the most important aspect of growing a bonsai tree at home. In order to perform the task well, you need knowledge, skill, and practice. Bonsai trees for sale are available in several common design styles, or you can shape them however you would like. The most typical design styles are cascading, literati, formal upright, informal upright, and slanting. These various styles will be discussed throughout this article so that you may decide what will suit your needs and home. You can buy more than one tree if you like multiple styles.
The style of literati is the first one that I will go over. Literati is a typical bonsai shape that you think of. It is a tree that has a long bare trunk with few branches. The branches that it does have are near the top of the tree and the trunks have many turns and twists.
Bonsai trees for sale are also sold as formal upright and informal upright styles. These types of trees have tapered trunks that are straight up. When there are curves in the upright trunk, this is considered informal in style. Slanted is another tree style. The goal of this is just like the name sounds, to have the trunk slant up from the ground at an angle. Many bonsai styles are easily recognized by their name.
Another bonsai gardening style is the forest style. In this style, one container or pot is used for several trees together. Varying heights of trees are often used to add depth and style to the grouping. In forest scenes, three or five trees are typically used. You should never use a group of four trees as this has bad meaning in the culture of Japan.
Cascading is the last style of bonsai trees that I will discuss. This is a beautiful style that tries to create a flowing and harmonious tree. Branches are weaved across the pot back and forth to create a flow. When buying bonsai trees for sale, this is a common style used. If you have a great joy for bonsai trees and are a big collector, it may be nice to grow trees in several styles to have a complete collection of trees. The styles that I wrote about are not the only ones that you are limited to. It is possible to make up your own style as well. It is just important that you have fun with what you are doing.
For a great range of Bonsai trees and supplies in the US you can't go past Bonsai Boy of new York
In Australia go to Garden Express

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Looking for something to relax in while enjoying your garden?
Here's an article about garden swings which will give you some good ideas.

A Garden Swing Set to Create Long Lasting Memories

A well-cared for garden and a beautifully trimmed lawn 
require patience and dedication to achieve. For some 
people it's a burden; for others, it's a labor of love. In
 either case, they often serve to give us purpose and 
a sense of having accomplished something well-
deserved. However, it's possible that there are times
 when we wish we could appreciate the fruits of our
 labor more. Adding a garden swing set can be just the
 thing to this often unfilled need.
A garden swing set can be the perfect complement to practically any garden decor allowing gardeners to enjoy the setting they've devoted so much time to. These sets come in a variety of materials and styles, so there is sure to be one that is suitable for all tastes, environmental settings, and, of course, budgets. Wooden swing sets seem to be the material of choice due to them being such a natural fit with their surroundings.
Depending on the type of mechanism used, they can either swing or glide. The swing type hangs from sturdy chains that are connected to an overhead pole. This beam can either be part of a frame that comes with the swing set or part of a much larger apparatus, like on the porch of a house just under the eve. The glider has no such requirement. Instead, it rests on joints beneath the seat, sometimes using ball-bearings that make the motion much smoother.
No matter what type of garden swing set you finally decide upon, it will certainly provide comfort and joy for years on end. When some buyers sit in one of these swings, they remind themselves of their youth, invoking special memories of when they were a child and accompanied by their grandparents. Others want to share the same experience with their children or grandkids to create even more memorable moments.
A well-cared for garden and a beautifully trimmed lawn require perserverance and dedication to accomplish. For some people it's a burden; for others, it's a labor of love. In either case, they often serve to give us purpose and a sense of having accomplished something well-deserved. However, it's possible that there are occasions when we wish we could appreciate the fruits of our labor more. Adding a garden swing set can be just the thing to this often unfilled need.
A garden swing set can be the perfect complement to practically any lawn decor enabling gardeners to enjoy the setting they've devoted so much time creating. These sets come in a variety of materials and styles, so there's sure to be one that is suitable for all tastes, environmental settings, and, of course, financial situations. Wooden swing sets appear to be the material of choice due to them being such a natural fit with their surroundings.
Depending on the type of mechanism used, they can either swing or glide. The swing type hangs from sturdy chains that are connected to an overhead beam. This beam can either be part of a frame that comes with the swing set or part of a much larger structure, like on the porch of a house just beneath the eve. The glider has no such requirement. Instead, it rests on joints beneath the seat, sometimes using ball-bearings that make the motion much smoother.
No matter what type of garden swing set you finally decide upon, it will certainly provide comfort and enjoyment for years on end. When some buyers sit in one of these swings, they are reminded of their childhood, invoking special memories of when they were a child and accompanied by their dad. Others want to share the same experience with their children or grandkids to create even more memorable moments.

For a good range of garden swings and other outdoor furniture visit

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Friday, May 18, 2012


Garden Express

As Featured On EzineArticles

Indoor Plants-Grow Them for Ambience and a Cleaner Household Environment

By Maxina D Williams

Poor air quality can be responsible for various health issues within the home. Among the sources of indoor air pollution are cleaning products, mould and dust and emissions from heaters and gas stoves. Even the pressed laminate in your furniture and fittings can emit an unpleasant gas called formaldehyde.
This is where indoor or house plants can come to the rescue. Indoor plants have a dual purpose, not only do they beautify your home but they have the ability to absorb a range of environmental toxins. They can remove arsenic and heavy metals from soil and new research has found that they are highly efficient at removing and neutralising nasties from the air.
After it was first realised that plants had the ability to absorb toxins, researchers then discovered that certain species performed this function better than others. It was also discovered that it was not just the plant itself which was doing the deed, it was an overall process involving the combined effects of the plant itself, the potting medium and the naturally occurring bacteria in the soil. Thus it is an entire mini ecosystem performing the toxin absorption process.
Putting aside the healthy atmosphere created by having plants in your home, the main reason most people opt for plants in their house is the wonderful atmosphere they create. A beautiful vase of flowers is something we all love but they don't last all that long, whereas a potted plant will last for ages. For instance, I have a beautiful Anthurium "African Queen" living on a side table in my breakfast room producing a prolific display of dark burgundy flowers month after month. This is better than a vase of flowers because all I have to do is remember to water it. Of course, it's also getting the right amount of light and is happy in its special potting mix of charcoal, coir and orchid mix.
With most other popular indoor plants such as the Peace Lily, Bamboo Palm, Zanzibar Gem, Philodendron and even Mother-in-Law's Tongue, an oldie but an indoor classic, my golden rule is one month indoors and two months outdoors in a sheltered position, to maintain a healthy plant. This also means that I am rotating my plants just like changing the paintings on the walls. Also, when my orchids are in bloom, they get a chance to impress and be enjoyed by being brought inside.
African Violets are a very popular indoor plant and will provide you with a delightful display of blooms throughout most of the year but they can be a little more demanding than the average house plant. Don't be put off, though, if you get the potting mix and the light situation right, you're in Heaven.
For me, one of life's pleasures is having lots of plants in my home.

Maxina Williams loves anything to do with gardening and outdoor living.

For a great range of indoor plants go to (Australia) or

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Sunday, May 13, 2012


Here is an informative article on the desirability if having your very own gazebo to enhance your enjoyment of your garden.

Exterior-Accents 125x125 Garden Supplies Page

Introduction to Gazebos

The Gazebo is a pavilion structure that has been used for many
 years as a spacious public space, for bands to play or people to 
meet. Many movies show effectuated couples dancing in a gazebo, 
and a lot of people remember that gazebo scene in "the sound of 
Today many people choose to place a gazebo in their garden or 
backyard, some prepare a special gazebo for marriage and others 
a SPA gazebo for the better things in life, a gazebo is slowly turning 
into an standard house upgrade feature.
Gazebos were originally designed to provide shade and basic shelter, but today the gazebo is turning into something much more than the regular gazebo park we used to see. The earlier versions of the gazebo were more solid than they are today, and most of the gazebos were used primarily as pavilions.
A garden gazebo is a nice addition to any garden, you can spend sunny mornings in the gazebo reading the paper or listening to music, it is certainly a new feature for a large garden, arranging the space and using the fauna as decoration. A garden gazebo is one of those thing that you cant imagine never having a day after you got it. No matter what the environment of your garden, there is a garden gazebo out there just waiting to be bought.
When thinking of a garden gazebo you will also need to think of what material to use in constructing it. Wood is the natural choice for most people, since it is natural and placed in the garden it sort of goes with everything around it. There are a few different kind of wood you can use for this purpose, pine, cedar, and redwood. Pine is the softest wood, ages to a rich yellow, and complements surrounding evergreens. Cedar is higher in overall sturdiness, is less prone to rot, and ages to a gray-brown.
A patio gazebo is a gazebo that sits on or is built into your patio and is very easy and affordable to do. The great thing about patio gazebos is that you can design a new patio for it, or even add a gazebo onto your already built patio. There will need to be serious consideration for the materials used, but there is basically no reason not to have a patio gazebo you can spend your evenings at. Placing of a patio gazebo is important, small to mid-size will probably want to use the corner to place the gazebo, this way it will use most of the space efficiently.
Large patios give you more flexibility, and you can choose any placing you want, providing you got enough room for the gazebo.
You can even place a patio gazebo on top of the patio, this will call for careful examination of the material is use but this is very possible. The strongest gazebos are made of metal. Whatever the gazebo is made of chances are that only the strongest and most particular of hurricanes will disturb it.
A hot tub gazebo is truly an upgrade, not only to a garden or backyard... but to your life, imagine a warm soak in freezing January, a nice glass of wine... this is the life. Many spa gazebo manufacturers make the gazebo also as a protection from the elements, so you could also use this as a protected outdoor room. When you choose to add a spa environment to your back yard or deck, you want to make the experience the most private and comforting possible.
With hot tub gazebos, you can surround your Jacuzzi with either a redwood type arbor or even add screens to keep flying insects away from your spa experience. You can find hot tub gazebos that come both pre-built, ready to assemble, or find plans for a gazebo if you have carpentry experience. A hot tub gazebo can be turned into the center of attention at its location, you can add many features around it to make the soaking experience better, lights, music and much more can be added to the hot tub environment to fully enjoy this great spa gazebo.
Whatever gazebo you choose, enjoy it to the fullest. A gazebo can arrive as a do it yourself kit, and you can make building it a family activity, these kits sometime come with an instructional video you can all watch together. There is almost always an option of calling experts and have them setup the gazebo for you.
For a complete range of gazebos go to

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Use coupon #G5666 for 3 free Peacock Orchid Bulbs!

As Featured On EzineArticles

By Maxina D Williams
Herbs can be grown either in their own little plot in a specific area of your garden or simply scattered throughout your general garden, where they not only complement your other plants with their interesting and attractive flowers and foliage, but they add the delights of their aromatic leaves.
Herbs are grouped into annual and perennial varieties and annuals such as Basil and Coriander need to be re-sown each year, while perennials such as Rosemary, Thyme and Marjoram continue to grow for many years.
Herbs can be grown very successfully in pots and this is a great idea if you are limited for space or sun. Always use a premium quality potting mix and the plants can also benefit from organic-based fertilizers and regular applications of a seaweed tonic. If you are a keen cook and like the idea of having your ingredients close at hand, use large pots, have several varieties of herbs in each one and locate them as close as possible to your kitchen, which is where the action takes place.
Mint is an old favourite of mine. Just to brush past a mint plant will release a delightful fresh scent. However, if mint is planted in your garden bed, it can become somewhat invasive and it is best to contain its wandering habits by growing it in a pot but make sure you don't allow it to dry out. In the kitchen the mint leaves can be added to fruit salads or as a garnish for fruit drinks and I particularly like to use it in a mint sauce or jelly to compliment a meal of roast lamb.
While on the subject of roast lamb, a sprig or two of Rosemary placed under the skin before baking will give it the most delightful aromatic flavour. It also goes well with roast chicken and I like to throw a few sprigs in with my roast potatoes. All in all a most versatile herb that can be grown in full sun and just about anywhere. It can even be trimmed into an attractive hedge. A sprig of rosemary is also a symbol of fidelity and remembrance.
Chives are another interesting herb, which can be grown in a pot, popped into the ornamental garden or even used as a border. In the kitchen it can be used to cheer up any recipe that requires a mild onion flavour. It is a perennial that should be divided at least every couple of years.
Most herbs do best in an open sunny position as this stimulates the production of the essential oils which give them their aroma and flavour. Trying to grow sun-loving varieties in too much shade can often result in a loss of delicious flavour.
Some other interesting herbs you might like to try are Parsley ( great on salads, with vegetables, fish, eggs, meats and soups), Basil (the main ingredient in Pesto and also great with Tomato), Thyme (fresh or dried in soups or stews) and Marjoram (also known as Oregano and great in salads, herb bread and stuffing).
The list is endless but a visit to (US) or (Australia) will get you started.
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Friday, May 4, 2012


Want to attract different species of birds to your garden? This informative article by K J Goodwin will help you get started.

Adding a Bird Feeder to Your Garden Is a Great Way to Attract Birds to Your Backyard

Bird watching in your backyard can be a fun and relaxing hobby 
while learning about the different bird species that live in your
 local area. 
Adding a bird feeder to your garden is a great way to attract more 
birds to your backyard. There are many types of bird feeders 
available including Tray, Hopper, Hummingbird, Suet and Tube. 
One of the most popular styles of feeders is the tube feeder.
Tube Feeders: Tube feeders; just as the name implies, are a tube or tubes of clear plastic that have at least two ports with perches for the birds to access the seed. Most tube feeders fill from the top and will allow you to use a variety of mixed seeds, or peanuts whole or shelled. Different types of seed will attract different species of birds; however a good tip is to fill with black-oil sunflower seeds because of the large variety of bird species that enjoy it. Tube feeders are easy to hang from a tree limb or can be placed on a post. Look for a tube feeder with a removable base that allows for easy cleaning of the feeder. You can add a tray to the bottom of the feeder to attract lager birds and keep the seed from falling to the ground. However squirrels have been known to use this as a seating area.
Tray Feeders: Tray feeders; shaped like a serving tray or plate with raised edges make for excellent viewing as birds come to feed. Tray feeders can be hung from a tree limb be mounted on a pole, a deck railing, or placed a few inches above the ground on a tree stump. Any type of seed mixture can be use and because the seed is so visible to the birds, they find tray feeders easily. Because of the open design, a tray feeder is exposed to the weather and other wildlife such as squirrels. Another tray feeder style is the fly-through feeder. Essentially a tray feeder with a roof, all of the same principals apply, except the roof will protect the seed from the elements.
Hopper Feeders: Hopper feeders; sometimes referred to as bird house feeders, come in a variety of styles. Many have the look of Lanterns, Carriage Lights, and Gazebos. The added style of hopper feeders can make them wonderful garden décor as well as being functional. Any type of seed mixture can be used. Hopper feeders have a large seed capacity; many will hold 2 plus pounds of seed, so make sure that the hopper feeder you buy is made of quality material from a brand you can trust. Hopper feeders fill from the top with half of the roof on hinges, or the whole top may be removable. Clear plastic sides allow you to check seed level, with a ½ inch gap at the bottom to allow seed to release. The base of a hopper feeder allows even larger birds like Cardinals, Jays and Woodpeckers to stop in your yard.
Suet Feeders: Most suet feeders or suet cages are mounted directly to a tree trunk or large branch with a nail or cup hook. There are also suet feeders with a tail prop for woodpeckers to balance with their tail. They are intended to hang freely from a tree branch. If you're not using a suet feeder, you're missing an opportunity to attract a wider variety of birds. You see, not all birds eat seed. By adding a suet feeder you will attract non-seed eating birds like Woodpeckers, Bushtits, Nuthatches, Wrens, and Kinglets. Suet itself is rendered beef with other natural ingredients such as fruit and nuts, peanuts and corn meal there is also suet with a dash of hot pepper; which discourages squirrels and other mammals; but the birds still love it! Suet is formed into cakes or plugs and simply placed into the cage. Unused suet should be stored in the freezer or refrigerator for freshness. Here's a quick tip; when first starting to use a suet feeder, smear the cage with a combination of peanut butter and bird seed. Sometimes birds don't recognize suet as food but do recognize seed. This should jump-start activity at your suet feeder.
Hummingbird Feeders: Hummingbirds naturally eat small insects such as aphids, gnats and spider mites, but they also love nectar. If you want to attract more hummingbirds to your garden you will need to provide them with more nectar either with your plants or by adding a hummingbird feeder. Hummingbirds are instinctively attracted to red, so be sure to buy a red feeder. You should hang a nectar feeder away from seed feeders, and always provide fresh nectar by changing the nectar every three to four days. Using homemade nectar is less expensive and usually better for the birds. Simply use a mixture of four parts water to one part sugar. Always boil the water to remove impurities and to dissolve the sugar. There is no need to add food coloring.
So, if you're looking to attract more birds to your backyard, adding one or two of these bird feeders should do the trick. Always remember to follow the instructions for set-up and always keep your bird feeders clean and filled with fresh food for many years of enjoyment of our feathered friends.
If you love having birds in your garden, and you want to attract more to your backyard, we suggest adding a bird feeder. Adding a bird feeder or two to your garden will not only provide a place for birds to come and eat, but also add enjoyment to your yard as you watch birds flock to your welcoming habitat.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Exterior-Accents 400x361

I have always liked having statues scattered around my garden so I found this article by Nancy Gluch rather informative.

Garden Statues

Are you looking to enhance the beauty and interest of your garden or yard? Or is 
your yard or garden looking boring and uninteresting. The use of garden statues 
is an excellent way to solve these problems. By using statues you can define 
areas or set the mood for your garden.
You can use statues to show what interests you such as children or animals. Or you can use these statues to set the mood for the area such as classical or whimsical. Statues can also double as bird feeders, lighting, wind chimes and more
Garden statues can be used as focal points in the garden. A bed of flowers can instantly draw the eye with a well placed statue. When winter comes statues can be be focal points inyour yard or garden. Be sure to place them where they can be viewed from indoors.
Another use for statues is to draw you further in to explore the garden. A glimpse of an interesting statue can invite you down a path to see what else is there.
In formal gardens with hedge edgings garden statues of classical gods and goddesses are appealing uses. In a whimsical garden you might use fairy statues.
If you are interested in a jungle or safari theme, garden statues of lions, giraffes and other animals can be placed amid grasses and small trees. Having the statues partially hidden invites the visitor to truly look at your garden to find the hidden animal statue. Many of the new grasses that are available lend themselves well to a safari theme.
People interested in the mystical might try a garden with statues of wizards and dragons. Creeping plants work well here or build a "cave" of vines for your statue to inhabit. Dragons can also be used around ponds for an unexpected twist.
If you are interested in a garden to amuse you, statues of gnomes might be the way to go. Garden statues of gnomes can be used in almost any type of garden. The statues of these ancient creatures can be amusing, whimsical or droll.
Garden statues can also be used to define an entrance. Whether the entrance to your driveway, patio or front porch, statues can be used to mark the entrance and guide people in. In large subdivisions, the use of statues at the end of a driveway is a good locator when giving directions.
Another use of garden statues is to enhance an architectural detail of your house or business. An appropriately placed statue can draw emphasis to the feature. A statue can also be used to further define the character of the house or business. Lastly garden statues can be used to hid flaws or unattractive features,
Outside of the garden, statues can be used in the yard to break up an expanse of green grass. On the patio statues can be used to enhance the over all decor. Some garden statues also double as light at night.
As you can see garden statues have many uses and numerous possibilities in your yard and garden. So get started and bring a few statues home.