Tuesday, April 10, 2012


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                                                By Maxina Williams

There are many things in life which bring you joy. Establishing a garden is one of them.
The absolute pleasure in seeing a bare piece of ground transformed into a thing of beauty is unsurpassed.

There are countless numbers of reference books available on how to create a garden and you will get lots of good ideas from them. You may even find a design which is just right for you. There are also plenty of garden designers out there with unlimited ideas and just waiting to be let loose at your place but there two things against this: 1. the cost (These guys don’t come cheap) and 2. the absence of the personal satisfaction you will get from doing it yourself.

A garden designer, also known as a landscaper, will work out a plan to start with and you can also do the same but it’s quite a lot of fun to plan it as you go,”on the run” so to speak, where one idea can lead to another and great ideas can grow from being adventurous.

However, you do need to have a basic idea of what you are trying to achieve before you start in with your pick and shovel, or even something bigger. For instance, are you wanting to create a privacy screen between you and the street or potentially nosey neighbours; do you want a garden full of flowering trees and shrubs that will attract birds and other wildlife; do you want to have your own cut flowers to enhance your home; are you looking for low maintenance, or would you like something that combines all of these?

Transforming an existing garden in a house you’ve just bought can also be an exciting challenge. When we moved into our current house three years ago there were lots of existing flowers and shrubs we simply didn’t like and we’ve systematically replaced them, with spectacular results. We now have lots of birds entertaining us every day and we have a regular supply of cut flowers. We also installed a bird bath for our feathered guests and it’s fun to watch the different bathing antics of the various species.

Deciding on the type of garden edging to use can be a challenge. You need to stick to a theme. I personally like using bush rocks and logs for a more natural look but you may prefer timber, concrete or even bricks. We recently did an attractive edging at an historic cottage in our town by using old house bricks set in against each other on a 45 degree angle. It looks just right for a cottage garden and was simple to do.

So, no matter what choices you make, be sure to have fun doing it!

Maxina Williams loves anything to do with gardening and outdoor living.

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