Sunday, July 8, 2012


This is an interesting and informative article about different types of  water plants for your garden pond.

Water Plants For Everyone

Water plants are an integral part of water gardens which are an extremely landscape feature the world over. Ornamental water plants make these gardens look serene and beautiful and also provide a natural habitat for fish. There are different types of water plants that one can choose from. There are the marginal water plants or the bog plants that proliferate naturally in the shallow areas of ponds. Alternatively these could be grown in containers which have 3 to 6 inches of water covering the crown of the plants. One should also introduce floating plants which act as filters and remove excess nitrogen from the water as also keep the algae at bay. The good thing about submerged plants is that they release oxygen into the water.
Lotus and lily are deep water plants that restrict the growth of algae. There are in fact 57 types of lilies to choose from and these are very hardy plants too. Among the most popular ones is the Pink Sensation which comes with silver and pink hued cup shaped flowers that are 5 to 6 inches diameter, with leaves that are 10 inches long. Alternatively one could go for the lemon fragrance emanating ever popular Texan Dawn water lily. This comes with stellated shaped yellow and pink blossoms and its eight inch leaves spread an incredible 3 to 5 feet.
Lotuses too come in a number of varieties. There is the sacred lotus or the Hindu lotus plant that grows to a height of 6 feet and grows a fading rose pink flower that has a yellow base and attains a diameter of 12 feet. It has huge leaves that are two to three feet in diameter. For smaller gardens or even barrels there is the Charles Thomas variety which attains a modest height of 3 feet and grows 6 to 8 inch pink flowers with an anise like fragrance.
Egyptian Paper Reeds can be used both as a container and a water garden plant. This plant has big onion shaped heads and long pendulum shaped leaves as well as greenish brown flower spikes that are one foot across. It can attain a height of 15 feet, though a dwarf variety is also available for small gardens.
Japanese Water Iris also presents a pretty picture. It grows 3 feet tall and produces beautiful butterfly shaped blossom that come in several colors like white, pink, lavender, blue, violet, crimson and yellow. Floating water plants come in about 16 varieties. The popular ones among these are fairy moss, hyacinth, water lettuce and mosaic.
Thus we see that water plants are an integral part of how we landscape a garden or even decorate the inside of a home. Water plants lend an element of tranquility and peace to the environment, and at the same time look exquisitely beautiful, and have the ability to transform the aura of any place. It is no surprise therefore that they are much in demand with more and more people around the world using them to decorate their gardens and buildings.

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