Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Check the great prices at

Garden Express

Yellow Roses - A Special Meaning

Roses are a perfect way to communicate feelings one may have 
for another. Each color represents a different meaning. The 
mixture of their sugary smell along with their beauty has always 
attracted people instantly. Of every single flower available on the
 market today, roses are the most common of them all! Yellow 
roses are easy, attractive, and are a good way to send a message to
 the person of your choice. Yellow roses are a symbol of freedom,
 happiness, and love. People who are the receivers of yellow roses 
from their loved ones know that their partner is happy and satisfied 
with their relationship. The yellow rose is a great way to show honesty
 and comfort. Giving a yellow rose to that special someone represents 
an easy feeling of friendliness that is authentic.
Most of the time, yellow roses are usually given as a sign of accomplishment, completion, or execution of a specific goal. Yellow roses are also given to represent strength of mind and motivation to start a new endeavor. It is often seen that yellow roses are given to clear misunderstandings between people and help renew their friendship. Yellow roses are also a great way to cure depression when given to other people that are depressed. It is a true act of kindness that is respectable and genuine. It is hard to find amazing yellow roses. You can't just buy them from any old department store or grocery store. The roses will just wilt away and die quickly. You definitely don't want this at all and try to avoid this at all costs!
You need to take your time and find a yellow rose distributor that grows these yellow roses properly. To find a distributor of yellow roses simply use any major search engine like Yahoo or Google and type that phrase in. Hit go and you have tons of different roses to choose from and distributors. You need to find a seller of yellow roses that takes time to consider the type of soil they use to grow the roses, the surrounding areas where they plant each yellow rose, the amount of sun each rose will receive, and the care it receives.
Yellow roses have an extremely special meaning behind them and you only want to give your loved one, friend, etc. the best each and every time. There are many distributors that will deliver your roses the VERY NEXT DAY or even in some cases the same day! Surprise your loved one today with the flowers of their dreams. Roses are honestly the best way you can ever express yourself without the use of words. Almost everyone knows the true meaning behind roses and giving a person a special rose will certainly express words to them without even saying anything at all! I wish you the best of luck in finding the best yellow roses on the market to give to that special someone. There is definitely an everlasting meaning behind every single rose depending on the color you go for!
Article Source:

Buy your rose trees in the US at Direct Gardening
or in Australia at Garden Express

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Twitter:  !/gardenswings 

Saturday, June 23, 2012


As Featured On EzineArticles
Stunning Outdoor Fountains

Creating a Natural Garden Water Feature
By Maxina D Williams

Nature is irregular. She almost never does straight lines, so in designing a garden water feature, whether it be a pond or a stream, it is more aesthetically pleasing to go for an irregular shape with curves and bends and using round river rocks along the edges.
Creating a water course doesn't have to be an impossible task. One simple way of achieving it is to purchase a pre-formed pond base, a pump (which can be electric or solar) and a couple of bags of attractive medium sized stones and simply assemble. It isn't even necessary to bury the pond base. You can simply disguise the edges with suitable plants. This would give you a portable feature that you could even take with you if you decided to move house and couldn't bear to leave it behind. In one of our gardens we used a fibre glass water course from which water cascaded down over pebbles into a fibre glass pond which we had placed into a sunken area. That gave us the fall as well as the natural look because streams always cut a valley in nature. Native grasses and a mixture of rounded river stones disguised the edges and gave it a completely natural look. We added gold fish and aquatic plants to complete the scene and it looked terrific.
A stepped cascade water course is attractive and impressive but can only be achieved on a sloping block, unless you are prepared to engage in some earth works which cas be as extensive (and expensive) as you want to make them. A friend has used the natural slope of his garden to great effect by creating a water course cascading down the side of his house, using natural rocks and with a cement base holding them all in place. He has provided small pools on various levels with little water falls over the rocks and culminating in a larger pool where the pump is located. The water is pumped back up to the top and starts its journey all over again. He has used bromeliads and ferns to good effect in enhancing the edges and giving the whole thing a completely natural look.
Water cascading over uneven rocks is the ultimate look but it must be remembered that streams also need to come from somewhere and end up somewhere else. A volcano-like pile of rocks with water spouting out of it can look a bit artificial but a gentle trickle emerging from under a strategically placed rock can convince you that you that you have a natural spring in your very own garden.

Maxina Williams loves everything to do with gardening and outdoor living.

Facebook page:
Twitter:  !/gardenswings
Article source:
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 Ready made water features can be purchased from:
      Serenity Health    or
       Amazon Associates

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Easy to care for bonsai trees at BBNY

Check the great prices at

Azalea Bonsai - 

Traditional Gardening Tips

Azalea bonsai are some of the more common bonsai adaptations 
that were introduced when bonsai was first imported over from 
China to Japan. It is one of the more beautiful plants to adapted 
to bonsai style gardening. The Azalea bonsai is a member of the 
genus Rhododendron. 
This simply indicates that the Azalea bonsai is an evergreen that
 adapts itself to a shrub type formation. Small shrubs typically 
grow to less than 6 feet in height. The Azalea Rhododendron 
actually can be divided into between 500-900 species. Since 
they display very large beautiful flowers they present a very 
stunning and elegant style of bonsai plant. This is the primary 
reason that the Azalea bonsai has become very popular with 
Bonsai gardeners.
Care of the Azalea Bonsai
It is critical to peak condition that you avoid exposing this plant to direct sun during the spring and summer months. This plant will reward for your efforts on being placed in an area of filtered or indirect sun light. The plant does not need to be brought indoors during the winter and in fact can perform well outdoors even in winter climates although it will require some protection from severe conditions. An outdoor greenhouse can provide beautiful results.
For those who want to keep their bonsai indoors year-round, the azalea is quite suitable to that application. A cool window and plenty of light is considered optimum for keeping an azalea indoors during the winter months as is the necessity for frequent misting and maintain a higher level of humidity.
When considering watering options you will find that the plants respond very well to rainwater. Collection of rainwater to a storage container will reward you with healthier plants. The azalea bonsai plant will deteriorate quickly if the roots are allowed to dry out so moisture should be maintained in the soil at all times.
You will benefit from repotting as required to maintain appropriate space for full root development and you should monitor the soil to ensure the slightly higher acidity level preferred by the azalea. PH balance needs to be 4.5 to 5.5. It is best to use a soil specifically designed for Azaleas. Repotting should be undertaken in spring after the flowers have died. Repotting is required annually for the first couple of years, and every two or three years for more mature azalea bonsai.
Fertilize your azalea at about every other week in the spring time until flowering diminishes. Thereafter, monthly feedings will satisfy nutrition requirements. You should use an acid based fertilizer such as you would find available by Miracle Gro. In the late summer or early fall, reduce nitrogen from the fertilizer mixture and begin increasing the amounts of phosphorus and potassium. This will assist your azalea bonsai to set buds and blossoms for next season.
Also, if you repot with an amended, peat based soil in spring you may not be required to fertilize until autumn. It is recommended that you discontinue fertilizing your azalea bonsai during the hottest months of the summer in order guard against burning your plants.
Pruning should be practiced in late summer taking care to seal significant wounds. This plant will produce shoots from old wood. These often occur in clumps of 5 or 6. Proper pruning will reduce the number of new shoots to one or two. The number of leaves on these new shoots should also be reduced. This will ensure that these newly formed branches will receive more that adequate nutrition and light to develop in to strong, healthy new branches.
The weakest trait may be that the branches are relatively brittle and the bark thin and tender. For this reason, great care must be taken when wiring and shaping branches. Softer aluminum wire is recommended, accompanied by the liberal use of such as raffia to protect the delicate surfaces.

To purchase a ready made bonsai visit Bonsai Boy of New York:
If you want to develop your own bonsai, you can purchase suitable plants at Direct  Gardening:

Monday, June 18, 2012


This is a helpful article for anyone wanting to attract birds to their garden. –  10% Off

Creating A Bird-Friendly Backyard With Wooden Bird Houses

The hustle and bustle of city life is all most people know these days. Between jobs, 
after-school activities and the rest of life's demands, when is there time to really 
kick back and enjoy nature?
While you may not see an opening in your schedule to head out on a nature vacation, why not create a natural escape in your backyard. Even small backyards can be natural havens. It all starts with a few wooden bird houses.
Whether buying or making it, a wild bird house is a very simple addition that can bring color and life to your backyard. You need to know the kinds of birds you want to attract, and then use the right bird houses to attract them.
Many birds are regional. If you don't know what birds live in your area, you may want to do a little online research for 'bird watching' and your state or region to get information about the birds that are regularly found near you.
Next, consider the size of wild bird house you want to hang. If you are trying to draw smaller birds like chickadees or wrens, you should choose a smaller bird house with a smaller opening. The birds don't want company, so a hole that lets them in and keeps others out is perfect. Make sure there is enough room inside. If you are looking to attract woodpeckers or other larger birds, size the house up accordingly.
Think natural when it comes to wild bird houses. We recommend wooden bird houses. This is a natural material, which the birds are used to being around.
Many people see the words 'weather treated' on wooden bird houses and think this is a great idea. After all, won't that keep the bird house from rotting or breaking down from the elements? It is better for the birds if you take your chances with the weather. Weather treating is done through chemically treating the wood. Those chemicals in wooden bird houses may not be healthy for the birds who move in. It's best to go with untreated woods. Pressure treated, processed, or even painted woods (at least inside) should be avoided as paint or chemically treated parts of wood bird houses could harm birds, especially hatchlings.
Consider your weather conditions. Slanted roofs help the rain to roll off wooden bird houses. If you get a lot of rain in your area, making sure the roof is a little wider than the top will allow the rain to roll off. This will lessen the chance of it getting inside. Baby birds can drown in small amounts of rain.
In case water gets inside, can it drain out? Very small holes in the floor can help with this, keeping your wooden bird house dry. This is not only healthy for the birds, but can also help to avoid rotting in the wood. Add a few holes in the side or back of the wild bird house while you are at it, to offer your birds fresh air.
Choose wooden bird houses that are easy to clean. Birds are messy and wild bird houses need to be cleaned out or waste will really pile up. Many wooden bird houses have a back or side door that can be opened for cleaning. Do this regularly (at the end of the breeding season) as a filthy bird house can lead to disease and make all the birds sick.
When putting up a wild bird house, think about predators. Cats and raccoons are the most likely culprits. If you have a wild bird house perched on top of a thin pole, it is harder for them to climb to it. You should put any wooden bird houses a minimum of three feet off the ground, preferably higher.
Want to really get points with the birds, Don't forget to put a feeder or two and some water near their wooden bird houses, so they have access to everything they need in your backyard.
Rob Huff and his family have enjoyed attracting wild birds into their yard for many years. This love of watching wild birds has grown into a hobby that the whole family enjoys together. 
Article Source:

For a good range of ready made or ready to assemble bird houses go to:
Exterior Accents      or
Amazon Associates

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Article source:

Saturday, June 16, 2012


As Featured On EzineArticlesStunning Outdoor Fountains

Creating a Water Feature for Your Garden
By Maxina D Williams
In today's hectic world most of us live our lives at a frantic pace and have a need for instant gratification. The gentle sound of trickling water is not only a soothing influence but it will create a certain ambience of stylish design in your garden.
The current fashion of a dry creek bed in your garden is all very well if you have a large area to work with but it is hard to beat a water feature for creating that special effect, especially if space is at a premium. There is always a place for some kind of water feature even in the smallest space, such as your balcony.
There are many ways of creating a water feature, ranging from a statue with water cascading from it, the classic fountain spraying water into a pool or a series of above ground pots, to your own creative design of an in-ground rock pool or stream. Whichever type of feature you decide on, it is most important that it blends in with the theme of your garden. Don't get carried away with something that looks fabulous in the shop or in the catalogue but will look totally out of place when you finally install it in the garden.
It is important where you ultimately decide to locate your water feature, making sure it is clear of cables and lines that run through your yard. If possible, try to keep your location away from wind and full sun to help reduce evaporation. It was always necessary for it to be situated close to a power outlet for the electric pump but, with the increasing popularity of solar powered pumps, this is no longer such a problem.
I'm rather partial to a natural looking rock pool creating a home for some fish and water plants. This will require some sunshine to enable the plants to thrive. You will also need a pump to keep the water circulating, thus enabling your pool to remain clean and aerated and algae free. This type of pool can easily be created to any design that takes your fancy and can be lined with an appropriate type of sheeting such as rubber with the edges overlapped with suitable rocks to hide the liner and give the pool a more natural look. Place a layer of gravel in the base of the pond to enhance the natural effect and you can also place a small pot of native aquatic plants in the gravel, providing a hiding place as well as a supply of oxygen for the fish. You can have the water tumbling over rocks into the pool or bubbling in under a strategically placed rock to create the appearance of a natural spring.
If you prefer a more traditional look there is a huge range of products available on the market.
No matter which way you decide to go you will be rewarded daily by having a water feature as part of your garden.

Maxina Williams loves anything to do with gardening and outdoor living.

Facebook page:
Article source:
Article Source:
      Ready made water features can be purchased from:
      Serenity Health    or
       Amazon Associates

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


High Quality Bean Bags at SerenityHealth

A Beginner's Guide to Choosing Garden Furniture

A trip to the local garden centre for garden furniture can be a
 confusing experience - what do I need ? what the best style 
for me ? What will suit my way of living ? and then Do I want, 
wood, metal, wicker or what ? Here we try to cover the basics 

of what's available and some pointers to help you choose.

Metal can really set the tone
Metal Garden furniture will if anything look great with just about any style of garden..
Another classical piece of metal garden furniture is the single ornate iron bench, which can really set off a Victorian style garden. The options range from modern lightweight aluminium to the more traditional iron and it should be possible to obtain the perfect piece of metal garden furniture for your garden.
Top Tip:
Regularly check metal furniture for rust. It is wise if it is kept outside to move it into the garage when the weather gets colder for protection.
Teak - the old favourite
Since teak is the most durable of all hardwoods, most customers prefer garden furniture made from teak wood. You can never go wrong with teak garden furniture, because it is classic, inherently elegant, and most importantly, can last for decades and decades. Indonesian teak garden furniture is a great place to start for your outdoor improvement project.
When you begin shopping around for your teak outdoor furniture, in addition to the quality of the wood, you also want to consider other things such as the construction of the furniture. When investing in your outdoor patio or garden, or decorating the verranda, and even for indoor decorating, teak wood outdoor patio furniture is simply a wise choice for many people.
A wide range of high-quality teak furniture, including teak outdoor furniture, teak patio furniture, and teak lawn furniture are available to grace your outdoor space & includes such items as Benches, tables, chairs, lamps, planters and other ornaments for the garden, poolside, backyard, deck, and park decoration are counted among teak outdoor furniture.
Top Tip:
Keep it looking good for longer !
If your garden furniture is made of wood, make it a habit to regularly check for splintered wood or cracks. With dozens and dozens teak wood bench styles to choose from, create an outdoor focal point for your yard or garden.
Teak furniture is generally low-maintenance, but there are some simple things you can do to make sure they last a lifetime still looking fresh. but washing it with warm soapy water to remove any dirt or dust is a good idea, especially prior to you applying an teak wood oil (remember to let the wood dry before applying).
Plastic Garden furniture
while some people may scoff at the thought of plastic garden furniture, the convenience provided by the material has persuaded many people to go for it.
Plastic rattan is set to be one of the biggest contemporary garden furniture products of this season, available in many different colours and designs.
Wicker Furniture
Outdoor wicker furniture is available in different styles, designs, frames and fabric colors. Wicker patio furniture is among the most beautiful and comfortable outdoor furniture available.
Rattan and wicker furniture add class to any deck.
Top Tips:
Tip 1 -Many do not realize that the beautiful layout they see in the ads for wicker furniture often does not include the padding or cushions.
Tip 2 -Maintaining rattan and wicker deck furniture is relatively easy.
Tip 3 - Wicker furniture is available in natural, stained or painted surfaces. Wicker dining furniture lends subtle and natural charm to the dining space. Most outdoor organic wicker furniture is painted at the factory, using a multiple dipping process to maintain its depth of colour.
Tip 4 - Synthetic woven furniture usually has aluminium frames for increased strength and durability. Wicker furniture has already stood the test of time and will probably be around a long time. Wicker sun room furniture can be divided into outdoor & porch furniture, semi-outdoor furniture, and indoor furniture
Tip 5 - Today's wicker is made of a number of materials. There are people who prefer wicker furniture, especially when they are considering how to accentuate their patio, or simply add a "country feel" to their home.
Tip 6 - As with many types of outdoor furniture. Genuine wicker can be used and can be an attractive material for chairs in particular., but remember it is damaged by exposure to moisture & excessive sunlight.
Synthetic Wicker can work well
There are however materials with the look and appeal of wicker., but are actually synthetic wicker, which may be more appropriate for constant outside use. . Synthetic wicker is often used on aluminium to provide sturdiness yet a wicker appearance.
Don't forget to budget for covers for your new furniture. Wicker should be kept dry, so if wicker is placed in an uncovered area, it should be brought inside when it rains or completely covered.
Molded PVC Furniture
Molded PVC furniture is a popular choice, in colors that harmonize with the natural surroundings. There is plenty of choice available to buy and can be found in several styles and designs that are priced to suit any budget

If you are looking for a range of garden furniture visit:
Serenity Health at  or
Exterior Accents at

Twitter:  !/gardenswings


If you're wanting to add some spectacular color to your garden, have a read of this informative article 
on Pansies by lee Dobbins. I think you'll enjoy it. 

Check the great prices at


 To Plant Pansies - When And Where To Plant Pansies For Best Results

When it comes to garden flowers, pansies are the hands-down favorite of many gardeners because they have such a beautiful variety of colors and also are quite easy to plant and maintain. In fact, pansies are one of the few flowers that will withstand very cold temperatures and can overwinter in your garden to produce beautiful blooms early the next spring.
How To Plant
It's not hard to learn how to plant pansies, in fact they don't have any special requirements and can be planted the same as other plants. You want to start with a good healthy plant that has vibrant deep green leaves and is not leggy. Be sure that the root ball is well formed but not too compacted.
To plant your pansies, simply dig a hole in your garden that is a bit larger than the container the pansy comes in. Gently remove the pansy from the container and loosen up the root ball with your fingers. Place the pansy in the hole and fill in with dirt. You want to be sure to water your pansies after planning and add in some time release fertilizer. Be sure to fertilize your plants monthly thereafter.
Where To Plant Pansies
Like most other garden flowers, pansies have some specific requirements as to their placement. They need to get at least 4 hours of sun a day and need to be planted in well-drained soil. You don't want to plant them in an area that gets full sun because, unlike most flowers, pansies really won't do well especially if it is really hot and the full sun is blaring down on them.
Pansies will grow equally well in containers as they will planted right in your garden soil. They are a favorite plant to have in window boxes and do well in any type of planter as long as it drains properly.
When To Plant
Since pansies can survive the harsh winter, you want to plant them during the end of summer. That way they will bloom well into the fall, go dormant for the winter, and then bloom again in early spring. You want to make sure that the soil temperature is between 45 and 65° for best results. If the soil is too hot, your pansies may not grow well and if it is too cold they probably won't grow it all. In either case, you want it be sure to plant them well ahead of the first frost so that they are able to establish a root system to help them survive throughout the winter.
Learning how to plant pansies, where to plant pansies and when to plant pansies is not that difficult, but it is critical to follow these few simple rules if you want to have lush vibrant plants.
Article Source:

For an excellent range of Pansies and other attractive flowering plants go to 

Monday, June 11, 2012



Here is an article about different types of lighting for your garden, which I think you will find interesting.

Exterior-Accents 400x361

Garden Lighting - 10 Great Ways to Illuminate Your Garden

For many people, enjoying a cup of hot chocolate amidst the 
beauty of plants and landscape of their garden is the ultimate
 bliss. But, without attractive garden lighting, you cannot capture that bliss. Lights arranged creatively and at the right spots make your garden a heavenly place to be after dusk.
Your garden gets grace through illumination. However, the trick is to use the right kind of lighting to transform your landscape into a dramatic place with dancing silhouettes and beautiful scenery. Things like glass oil lanterns add a dash of glitter to your garden during the day and make it shine radiantly during the night. The benefit of landscape lights is that it gives the pool, fountains, plants, and pathways a subtle glow, along with a shadowy charm.
Garden lighting is one of the most important elements of your garden. And it not only enhances the beauty of your favorite place, but also makes it safer. A properly lit garden is easier to walk by, as you can clearly make out the pathways, steps, patios, and other elements of the garden during night. It also adds to the security of your home; thieves would not usually dare to enter a home that has a glowing garden. To make garden lighting absolute safe, you must use lights that are certified for outdoors use. This means that they are weather proof.
Ways To Light Up Your Garden
* Floodlighting involves a broad and bright light beam that illuminates a larger area. Although it is bright, it creates striking silhouettes that make your garden look inviting.
* Spotlighting is not used that commonly. Whenever used, it is used to light big plants, trees, large sculptures, and other architecture in the garden.
* Uplighting is a popular way to light up the garden trees, walls, and various statues.
* Downlighting is an imitation of natural light. The lightings are fixed overhead with the light falling directly from above.
* Moonlighting is used to render a dramatic effect to the garden. It is done by fixing lighting high above so that when the light falls, it produces a moonlit effect.
* Shadowing is a type of garden lighting that creates the most magical effect on a garden. It needs surfaces like lawns or walls or strong plants to place the fixtures.
* Accent lighting is done through small fixtures. They are fixed near the ground. They illuminate the garden in a subtle manner and are mostly used to decorate various garden spots.
* Spread lighting involves the use of wide beam angles. They illuminate big features of the garden such as the lawn, fountain area, flowerbeds, borders, patios, and others. Such lighting makes evening or night walks in the garden a pleasure.
* Cross lighting technique is used to highlight particular elements of a garden such as urn, statue, bonsai, archway, and others.
* Silhouette garden lighting outlines the trees, archways, and other elements creating a spectacular view.
So, gear up to light your garden. And yes, remember to use solar lights. They are the latest trend.
A good range of garden lights can be found at 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Check the great prices at

Here's an interesting little article I came across as an introduction to the
 world of cacti. I hope you 'll enjoy it.

Cactus - Information & Facts

Cacti are desert plants native to the Americas. This article is mainly about their care, facts, propagation and common cacti varieties. So, lets proceed with   the article.

If you can manage a few things, it is easy to care for the cacti.
Plant them in bright direct sunlight. Seedlings and very young plants should be kept in partial shade.
As they are a desert plant, the watering should be very infrequent. Water them once or twice in a month. Cacti planted in lawns/gardens can be watered more frequently than those in containers.
Excessive watering can cause fungi on your cacti. Water them sparingly in winters especially. If your cactus has fungus on it, you should remove the infected part to control the spread.
Propagation is a process to start new plants from the existing ones. Cacti can be propagated by means of stem cutting, seed germination and division. Remember all varieties can not be propagated by division or cutting.
Common Varieties
Following are some of the common varieties of these plants.
Hedgehog Cactus
Barrel Cactus
Saguaro Cactus
Prickly Pear
Organ Pipe Cactus
Horse Crippler
Pincushion Cacti
Thanksgiving Cactus
Easter Cactus
Christmas Cactus
Interesting Facts about Cacti
Saguaro cactus is the tallest cactus plant that can grow up to 20 m high.
All cacti are native to the Americas.
All cacti are succulents. They store water to use it later.
Native Americans used the barrel cactus as a pot.
There are over 2000 species of cactus.
Some cactus spines can be about 15 cm long.
Gila woodpeckers nest inside the stem of the saguaro cactus.
For a great range of cactus plants visit

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Raised Vegetable Garden Beds

Garden ExpressAs Featured On EzineArticles

As Featured On EzineArticles

By Maxina D Williams

Raised garden beds are a relatively new concept and what a revelation to those of us who find gardening at ground level, particularly getting upright again, such a chore! They are a boon not only for the elderly but also for those who are disabled or affected by arthritis. However, these are only some of the great benefits of this innovation.
As these garden beds are elevated, not only do they have better drainage than the traditional garden but the soil will warm up quicker in the spring and stay warmer longer into autumn, thus providing a longer growing season, most beneficial in colder climates. They also enable you to plant earlier in the season, for better germination.
Raised garden beds are ideally suited to growing vegetables because they will be free draining and easily accessible for inspecting and maintaining your plants. Being able to harvest your vegetable crop from a manageable height is a joy as well, particularly if you are confined to a wheel chair.

An added bonus is being able to walk completely around your garden bed and being able to easily reach all your plants. Constant walking through a ground level garden can have the effect of seriously compacting the soil, thus affecting adequate drainage. Having two or more raised beds arranged in a pattern of about a metre (three feet) apart will allow you to have easy access and the paths between can be paved or gravelled to enhance the appearance of your garden. This will also allow easy access for your wheel barrow or a wheel chair.

Where to locate your raised beds can be very important. Ideally, the beds should be placed in a sun trap where they will have at least six to eight hours of sunlight each day.

Being able to have complete control over the quality of your soil is a real bonus with a raised garden bed. The soil content should consist of a mixture of fertile,crumbly soil enhanced with lots of compost and cow manure. As most vegetable crops love rich fertile soil I always add generous amounts of pelletised chicken poo as well. All of the ingredients should be well dug over in expectation of a bumper crop.
Another thing to be considered when growing vegetables in a raised garden bed is companion planting. Companion vegetables and herbs will help control insects and help improve your soil quality. For example, carrots (which I like to grow from seed as you are less likely to have problems with misshapen product), parsley and onions are beneficial for growing with tomatoes.

Something else to be aware of is resisting the urge to overcrowd your seeds. Concentrating too many plants in a given area will harm their growth. You should also rotate your vegetable crop each year to discourage nasty pathogens and pests.
Studies have shown that elevated garden beds can yield up to twice as many vegetables as traditional beds so this is the way to go if you are serious about growing your very own fresh vegies.

Maxina Williams loves anything to do with gardening and outdoor living.

Facebook page:
Twitter:  !/gardenswings
Article source:
Article Source:

Visit for a range of Raised Garden Beds (US)

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Check the great prices at

Garden Express

The Benefits of Adding a Garden Hedge

When you are looking to make an investment 
in to your home, one strong possibility is 
found with an investment in to hedging plants. 
When you add hedging plants to your 
residence you're creating several advantages for 
you and your family to enjoy. Additionally, the 
huge selection of hedging plants available provide 
you with many options to help accent your home 
and make it more alluring to potential buyers 
when you are interested in selling.
While considering hedging plants, most find themselves asking why they ought to incorporate hedge into their house environment. Its vital that you find out the many benefits of the hedging plants in order to answer this question.
When you're looking in to the benefits of creating a garden hedge, the first advantage is found with the security you set up with your garden hedge. Security is often a main worry for any home owner and with the addition of a garden hedge you can increase your family's and home's safety. The growth and development of a tall hedge in the backyard creates a wall which hinders the casing abilities of passerby's. In addition, the walled creation of a full garden hedge represents a border that can't be quickly scaled like a fence or brick wall can, further helping in your home's security. The garden hedge represents one of the best deterrents for criminals interested in invading houses in your area.
While safety is often the basic reason which an individual will invest in a garden hedge, another advantage which is found with hedging plants relates to the development of privacy. The same border which is developed to prevent criminals from viewing your house even creates a wall of privacy from the strolling pedestrians, driving public and nosy neighbors. This enables a homeowner to take pleasure in the outdoor experience by opening their doors and windows to nature without a worry of people invading their private home environment. Even a lower hedge in the front yard helps to define a barrier that encourages the un-welcomed public to stay outside your home environment.
Another nice advantage which can be found with a garden hedge is found with the generation of the wind barrier that is created. Wind is a common ailment to the outdoor life which spoils pleasant weather and destroys any outdoor design. The thick and bushy nature of hedging plants assists to create a barrier for your home, developing a peaceful outdoor environment which is not burdened by wind. All of these benefits help the owner in seeing why a garden hedge will aid their home life.

For a complete range of suitable hedge plants visit in the US and