Creating a Water Feature for Your Garden
By Maxina D Williams
In today's hectic world most of us live our lives at a frantic pace and have a need for instant gratification. The gentle sound of trickling water is not only a soothing influence but it will create a certain ambience of stylish design in your garden.
The current fashion of a dry creek bed in your garden is all very well if you have a large area to work with but it is hard to beat a water feature for creating that special effect, especially if space is at a premium. There is always a place for some kind of water feature even in the smallest space, such as your balcony.
There are many ways of creating a water feature, ranging from a statue with water cascading from it, the classic fountain spraying water into a pool or a series of above ground pots, to your own creative design of an in-ground rock pool or stream. Whichever type of feature you decide on, it is most important that it blends in with the theme of your garden. Don't get carried away with something that looks fabulous in the shop or in the catalogue but will look totally out of place when you finally install it in the garden.
It is important where you ultimately decide to locate your water feature, making sure it is clear of cables and lines that run through your yard. If possible, try to keep your location away from wind and full sun to help reduce evaporation. It was always necessary for it to be situated close to a power outlet for the electric pump but, with the increasing popularity of solar powered pumps, this is no longer such a problem.
I'm rather partial to a natural looking rock pool creating a home for some fish and water plants. This will require some sunshine to enable the plants to thrive. You will also need a pump to keep the water circulating, thus enabling your pool to remain clean and aerated and algae free. This type of pool can easily be created to any design that takes your fancy and can be lined with an appropriate type of sheeting such as rubber with the edges overlapped with suitable rocks to hide the liner and give the pool a more natural look. Place a layer of gravel in the base of the pond to enhance the natural effect and you can also place a small pot of native aquatic plants in the gravel, providing a hiding place as well as a supply of oxygen for the fish. You can have the water tumbling over rocks into the pool or bubbling in under a strategically placed rock to create the appearance of a natural spring.
If you prefer a more traditional look there is a huge range of products available on the market.
No matter which way you decide to go you will be rewarded daily by having a water feature as part of your garden.
The current fashion of a dry creek bed in your garden is all very well if you have a large area to work with but it is hard to beat a water feature for creating that special effect, especially if space is at a premium. There is always a place for some kind of water feature even in the smallest space, such as your balcony.
There are many ways of creating a water feature, ranging from a statue with water cascading from it, the classic fountain spraying water into a pool or a series of above ground pots, to your own creative design of an in-ground rock pool or stream. Whichever type of feature you decide on, it is most important that it blends in with the theme of your garden. Don't get carried away with something that looks fabulous in the shop or in the catalogue but will look totally out of place when you finally install it in the garden.
It is important where you ultimately decide to locate your water feature, making sure it is clear of cables and lines that run through your yard. If possible, try to keep your location away from wind and full sun to help reduce evaporation. It was always necessary for it to be situated close to a power outlet for the electric pump but, with the increasing popularity of solar powered pumps, this is no longer such a problem.
I'm rather partial to a natural looking rock pool creating a home for some fish and water plants. This will require some sunshine to enable the plants to thrive. You will also need a pump to keep the water circulating, thus enabling your pool to remain clean and aerated and algae free. This type of pool can easily be created to any design that takes your fancy and can be lined with an appropriate type of sheeting such as rubber with the edges overlapped with suitable rocks to hide the liner and give the pool a more natural look. Place a layer of gravel in the base of the pond to enhance the natural effect and you can also place a small pot of native aquatic plants in the gravel, providing a hiding place as well as a supply of oxygen for the fish. You can have the water tumbling over rocks into the pool or bubbling in under a strategically placed rock to create the appearance of a natural spring.
If you prefer a more traditional look there is a huge range of products available on the market.
No matter which way you decide to go you will be rewarded daily by having a water feature as part of your garden.
Maxina Williams loves anything to do with gardening and outdoor living.
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Ready made water features can be purchased from:
Serenity Health or
Amazon Associates
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